How Does Acupuncture Work?
Hundereds of acupuncture points are located on the body along energy pathways know as "meridians". These meridians run from the top of the head to the tips of the toes and fingers with each point corresponding to certain vital organs of the body. When any of these acupuncture points are blocked or congested, the result is "imbalance" or "disease". During an acupuncture treatment, needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points to stimulate the energy that is either blocked or congested. Application of various means of manipulation to the needle is employed by the acupuncturist to either sedate or tonify the specific point. This manipulation of the needle treats the energetic inbalance through activation of vital energy (also known as "Chi" or "life force"). The goal of this process is to allow the body to balance and heal itself.
What Can You Expect?
Many conditions may be alleviated very repidly by acupuncture and herbal medicine. However, some conditions that have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady process. As in any form of healing, the patient's attitude, diet, determination and life-style will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
In the hands of a professionally trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured.
Is Acupuncture Painful?
Today, hair-thin, disposable, stainless steel needles are used. Contrary to what our imaginations, they are surprisingly painless. You may experience a sense of heaviness or electricity in the area of insertion. Most patients find the treatment very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment. In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend herbs or dietary, exercise of lifestyle changes.
Hundereds of acupuncture points are located on the body along energy pathways know as "meridians". These meridians run from the top of the head to the tips of the toes and fingers with each point corresponding to certain vital organs of the body. When any of these acupuncture points are blocked or congested, the result is "imbalance" or "disease". During an acupuncture treatment, needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points to stimulate the energy that is either blocked or congested. Application of various means of manipulation to the needle is employed by the acupuncturist to either sedate or tonify the specific point. This manipulation of the needle treats the energetic inbalance through activation of vital energy (also known as "Chi" or "life force"). The goal of this process is to allow the body to balance and heal itself.
What Can You Expect?
Many conditions may be alleviated very repidly by acupuncture and herbal medicine. However, some conditions that have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady process. As in any form of healing, the patient's attitude, diet, determination and life-style will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
In the hands of a professionally trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured.
Is Acupuncture Painful?
Today, hair-thin, disposable, stainless steel needles are used. Contrary to what our imaginations, they are surprisingly painless. You may experience a sense of heaviness or electricity in the area of insertion. Most patients find the treatment very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment. In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend herbs or dietary, exercise of lifestyle changes.